Monday, June 25, 2012

We're going to learn how to embed this so we don't have to keep posting the ChipIn site but since so many people have asked for it again, here you go!

Ruby Can Walk (underwater)!


Ruby's hydrotherapy is working!  She can now walk underwater with BOTH legs!

The donations are still pouring in.  We remain astounded by everyone's generosity & kindness!

Check back soon! 

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Check Up!

Ruby had her follow up appointment earlier this week.  Even though she's not walking yet, the doctor's seem pretty optimistic that she will within the next month.  We've started more physical therapy with her at home & she'll have to attend some in the doctors office as well.  Ruby's Aunt & Grandpa bought her a swimming pool to start therapy at home & so far, it's wet, wild &, best of all, seems to be working!

Ruby still has a little ways to go but we're making sure she stays relaxed & doesn't move around too much.  The good news is her best friend Ezme is more than happy to keep her company.

Our whole family would like to extend a giant THANK YOU to everyone who's donated money & has shared the link to the website.  We are absolutely flabbergasted by the support we've received.  It really goes to show you how great people can be & how truly special Ruby is. 

Monday, June 18, 2012

We've raised 4% of our goal in under a week!  We cannot believe the amount of generosity we've received so far! We still have along way to go! Help us by donating or sharing the link to this site! Thanks so much!! 


Thursday, June 14, 2012

Once I'm able to jump down off the couch again my Mom & Aunt will stop dressing me up in these ridiculous outfits!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Hopefully the weekly baths will cease once I'm able to walk outside to use the bathroom!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

These wooden floors do nothing for my traction!

Missing life in a pre-roll world! 

Ruby had to have emergency surgery, a procedure called a hemilacminectomy for intervetebral disc extrusion.

This is a fancy way of saying she misplaced a bunch of discs in her back!

Here's what she's going through nowadays!

Make Donations via ChipIn

Hi! I’m Ruby!

2 weeks ago, I was rolling on the top of a hill, having a great time when suddenly I lost my balance & started to tumble down the hill! I may look like I’m designed to barrel roll but I’m really not.

I made the mistake of trying to stop myself from falling & ended up rupturing several discs in my spinal cord! I had to have emergency surgery in order to save my ability to walk on all four legs, control my urine & bowel movements, &, generally, keep my quality of life at the level it should be.

 If you’ve never met me, ask anyone who has & they’ll tell you I’m the light of a lot of people’s lives. This surgery really saved my ability to live a normal life & we've had to sacrifice a lot to pay for it.


 Any amount you're able to contribute is appreciated! Check back for pictures, updates & video!